Singing Guide: Emmelie De Forest

Singing Guide: Emmelie De Forest

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Emmelie De Forest: Singing like a Danish winner

Emmelie De Forest is a Danish singer, best known for winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 2013. She has a unique style of singing characterized by her breathy and soft vocals, which can be heard in lovely additions such as "Only Teardrops," which propelled her to stardom.

To learn to sing like De Forest, you'll need to start by analyzing your voice. It's an essential step that will help you identify your voice's range and type. You can learn more about analyzing your voice, including vocal range and types, in Singing Carrots' Blog article.

De Forest's style is ideal for pop and folk music, and an excellent starting point for any beginner singer looking to develop a breathy and soft vocal projection. To start, it's vital that you learn the basics of breathing. You can review an article on breath support in the Singing Carrots' Blog to get started.

Emmelie De Forest's vocal technique builds on the use of her registers and vocal breaks to provide maximum expression and sensation. Review Singing Carrots' guide to registers and vocal breaks for more information about them. You should learn how to use the different voice registers fluently by incorporating Chest Voice Explained and Singing Comfort Zone videos from Singing Carrots' tutorial section.

Vocal health is essential when developing your skillset, especially when learning to sing like Emmelie De Forest, whose techniques can require a lot of breath control. Singing Carrots' blog has an article on vocal health that you can use to best practices, such as good hydration and avoiding smoking or shouting.

Once you've practiced the basics of breathing and developed an understanding of registers and vocal breaks, you're in a good position to start building a fuller vocal range. Songs such as "Hunter and Prey" and "What Are You Waiting For" showcase Emmilie De Forest's breathy and soft vocals to excellent effect, and they can be an excellent starting point when developing your range. Use the Singing Carrots' search engine to find songs that fit your vocal range.

Singing Carrots also offers excellent interactive training programs that can supplement your study, such as Pitch Training, where you can play games and exercises to strengthen your technique.

In summary, to sing like Emmilie De Forest, follow these steps:

  • Analyze your voice.
  • Learn the basics of breathing.
  • Study Emmilie De Forest's vocal technique by reviewing the article on Registers and Vocal Breaks and following the tutorial videos provided.
  • Take care of your vocal health.
  • Choose songs to practice and improve your range.
  • Supplement your training with interactive exercises like Pitch Training from Singing Carrots.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to mastering the breathy and soft vocals of Emmilie De Forest.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.